Sunday, January 18, 2009


Well, this weekend's temps sure have been a lot different than last weekend. It has been almost as cold as Michigan. But, where is the snow? The cold temps didn't stop us from going to the beach. We just cooked a big pot of vegetable soup, cornbread muffins and a chocolate cake and stayed inside. The boys just don't understand why we want to go there and just do nothing. Kids, always want to be doing something..... Travis did help Tracy at the Bridal Fair on Saturday. We are now back home in Greenville. Ugh, tomorrow is Monday again already. The boys are out of school until Wednesday. Travis has been called for jury duty next week. So, they are not happy that they may get stuck inside during their time off. Hopefully, he won't get picked. Nana was asking for some more pics. So, I am going to post a few generic ones. Hope you had a great weekend and the week ahead will be WARM!!!!!

1 comment:

Rosebuds said...

Sweetie if I could box up some snow to send you to go along with your cold weather, then I certainly would. We sure have plenty of it to pass along!!! The photos are good, but where is that 15 year old of yours?? Hope you have a good week!! We send ya lots of sugar from Michigan;-)