Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Happy Birthday Austin.....

Austin, Andrew, Courtney & Leslea

Austin 2 years old

Austin 2nd Grade

Austin 6 mo. old

Well another one of my boys is having a birthday. It is hard to believe that my first born is 15 today. Where has the time gone? I have a feeling that there is going to be a whole lot more prayers going up for this child. Please join me. Driving? How can that be? How can I sit in the passenger seat without having a heart attack? Anyone have any nerve pills they can loan me? Actually, I hope that Austin will be a safe driver and accept any advice that we try to give him. I'm glad that he has a year driving with Travis and I. But, I know that year will pass quickly and he will be on his own.....

He was supposed to take a couple friends paintballing this weekend for his birthday. However, the weather is supposed to be cold. So, they are going to postpone it to another day. He got tickets to the Duke vs Wake Forest game in February. After Duke's loss to Wake Forest tonight, I think he will anticipate the game even more.....

Friday, January 23, 2009

Happy Birthday Andrew!!!!

Happy Birthday Andrew...

Andrew's New Bike

Andrew, Chad, Trent & Shae

Andrew's First Snow



It is hard to believe that my baby is 8 years old today. Time just goes by too quickly. Mama just e-mailed me some of Andrew's baby pictures. My heart just broke. Where did my baby go.... Some of the pictures seemed like it was just yesterday that he was doing those things. Now he is a little boy who wanted to take his friends bowling for his birthday.

We celebrated Andrew's birthday with pizza and bowling. Andrew just said, "He doesn't know what he wants to do next year for his birthday. He stinks at bowling and doesn't want to do that again". What is about kids that want to win everything....

Hope you have a great weekend. It was 60 degrees here today. So, our snow is was here just long enough.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


This is what happens after playing hard in the snow. You get warm, eat and crash on the floor.....

It's still snowing.....

This Afternoon....

I have finally gotten home from work. Silly patients still want to come for their appointments. I am attaching some pics from this afternoon. We have a lot more now than we did this morning. It is beautiful. I'm sure it is going to be ugly before it is gone. Andrew has had a ball playing in it with his friends. Austin has walked down to his friend Wesley's. They sure are enjoying it. Travis has cooked a pot of beans. So, I am getting ready to have some lunch.

It's Snowing, It's Snowing.....


Watch out here comes a snowball.....

The Boys!


I will post pictures later. (After we get enough on the ground. Ha!)

Sunday, January 18, 2009


Well, this weekend's temps sure have been a lot different than last weekend. It has been almost as cold as Michigan. But, where is the snow? The cold temps didn't stop us from going to the beach. We just cooked a big pot of vegetable soup, cornbread muffins and a chocolate cake and stayed inside. The boys just don't understand why we want to go there and just do nothing. Kids, always want to be doing something..... Travis did help Tracy at the Bridal Fair on Saturday. We are now back home in Greenville. Ugh, tomorrow is Monday again already. The boys are out of school until Wednesday. Travis has been called for jury duty next week. So, they are not happy that they may get stuck inside during their time off. Hopefully, he won't get picked. Nana was asking for some more pics. So, I am going to post a few generic ones. Hope you had a great weekend and the week ahead will be WARM!!!!!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Winter Cleaning.....

Whoa this weekend went by fast. I took advantage of 60 degree temps on Saturday to do some cleaning. Travis took the blinds down and took them outside. Hanging them over the fence seems to be the easiest way to clean them. I cleaned windows, pulled out all of the beds and vacuumed under them. Needless to say, Austin wasn't happy that he had to clean out from under his, before I could vaccuum under it. I think he realized that most of it was trash and now there is hardly anything under it. I surely enjoyed Sunday as my day of rest and took a nap after church and lunch.

Austin took a "girlfriend" to the movies on Saturday. I took them and her Mom picked them up. I have to say I think he has good taste. She is a beautiful brunette and seems to have a great personality. I asked him to get a picture of the two of them. But, as usual he passed on pictures.

Tomorrow I will go with Mama & Daddy to his doctors appointment. Keep him in your prayers, I know he will be anxious. (We will be to.....)

Hope you all have a great week. Looks like we are going to have some coldddddd temps this weekend.